Showing posts with label Cookpad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cookpad. Show all posts

Saturday, September 18

Pea and Ham Soup


6 - 8 servings

1 +1/2 Cups of Split yellow peas
1 lb Bacon miss shapes or 1 lb Gammon bits
4 Carrots chopped up into bite size pieces
2 Dried veg stock cubes
1/4 tsp Black pepper


1.  Soak the split peas for a couple of hours or overnight the night before cooking. Then rinse thoroughly.

2.  Add the split peas to a large pan also add 4 pints of Water bring to the boil and cook on low heat, also add the chopped bacon or Gammon, 2 veg cubes and carrots stir to mix.

3.  Add pepper, be careful with salt as the bacon misshapen maybe salty soak bacon in cold water before cooking to remove excess salt.

4.  Cook for 1 hour in pressure cooker. 2 - 3 hours on the hob simmering and stirring occasionally it will thicken as it cooks. Turn off leave it to thicken for a while then heat up when needed.

5.  When cooked the split peas turn mushy so it thickens. it is best after it cools to add to the fridge for the next day as it lays there the flavours come out better its also thicker. You can have it as soon as it cooks too, just nicer the next day.

6.  Serve hot with crusty Bread to dip in

Recipe from Maureen Maureen in Liverpool, England - on September 2, 2021
I love this Cookpad Site, Recipes, friends, interesting people and outstanding recipes, and able to see and to taste food from all over the world. i have learned so much more here, spices , herbs and lovely recipes of different cultures. also experimenting mixing different herbs and spices and making my own creations