Showing posts with label Chuck Schumer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck Schumer. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 5


 Biden Administration

Nancy Pelosi - House

Chuck Schumer - Senate

Are responsible for the following:

  1. Inflation - increase in prices
  2. No longer energy independent
  3. Afghanistan Withdrawal Debacle
  4. Increase in Illegal Immigration
  5. Increase in Illegal Drugs
  6. Supply Chain Delays
  7. COVID-19 not controlled
  8. Increase in Crime & Violence
  9. Defund the police movement
  10. Lockdowns and face masks
  11. Critical Race Theory pushed in public schools
  12. WOKE and the Cancel Culture
  13. Censorship of Conservative Voice
  14. Loss of Global Allies Support
  15. Cannot Standup to Russia
  16. Cannot Standup to China
  17. Government Spending - Increasing National Debt
  18. Blaming problems on Trump and others
  19. Mainstream Media not covering all the news
  20. No COVID mandates for illegal immigrants