Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blame. Show all posts

Monday, May 18


Americans are a fickle group of people and perhaps their diversity makes the problem worse but no matter what happens, Americans want to blame someone other than themselves...

NO ONE WANTS TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR ACTIONS...  and, if they ever do take responsibility it is always down played as if it never really mattered; whereas, when they can blame someone else, it is the worst situation since slavery.  And, gender does not seem to play a big role in this behavior as it happens equally among males as well as females.

We are a PASS THE BUCK generation...  which, in my humble and not thoroughly vetted opinion actually means very little.  And, why do I downgrade myself?  Because, I am NOBODY...  or, what the Beatles wrote in their song, NOWHERE MAN...  opinions are only valid in this country when they come from people who are overly educated and WELL KNOWN or are in POWERFUL POSITIONS, otherwise we ignore them outright.