Showing posts with label Artemis Technologies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Artemis Technologies. Show all posts

Sunday, January 8

Flying Boats

The Pioneer of Belfast glides above the water, quiet and smooth, leaving little wake behind it.

"Even in big waves and wind, we can see the benefits of flying above the waves," says Katrina Thompson, programme director at Artemis Technologies.

The Pioneer, developed by Artemis Technologies, is the world's first electric foiling workboat to be brought to market.

The foil, a wing-like structure underneath the boat, lifts the hull out of the water, greatly reducing drag.

Combine with an electric motor and you have, according to Artemis, a vessel which reduces fuel costs by 90% and is emission-free.

"It's such a transformative technology," says Dr Thompson.

Dr Thompson grew up in Sailortown, Belfast, in amongst the bustle of heavy industry. She spent her childhood playing on the docks while her parents worked on the boats.

She left Belfast to become an aeronautical engineer, designing aircraft for Rolls-Royce and Bombardier. Then, she went back to her roots - taking her expertise with her.  READ MORE...