Showing posts with label American Economy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label American Economy. Show all posts

Monday, June 24

America Funding China's Growth

"Underwriting the Enemy" invites Fox Nation viewers to listen to experts share their takes on China's financial infiltration into the U.S. economy. (Fox Nation / Fox New

Now could be the "most consequential moment in the history of our country," author Gordon Chang warned as he sat across from FOX Business' Maria Bartiromo.

The "Coming Collapse of China" writer and commentator made his repeated warning that China poses the greatest existential threat to America yet again. But the question is: why do Americans keep funding their enemy?

Chang, along with others, joined Bartiromo for her new Fox Nation series, "Underwriting the Enemy," to explore China's insidious infiltration into the American economy.

"Chinese companies are trading on the New York Stock Exchange, on the Nasdaq right now," Bartiromo said. "That means American investors, unwittingly or not, are funding the expansion of our number one adversary."

Several foreign policy and financial analysts have acknowledged the long, silent war that the Chinese Communist Party has waged against the United States, their cautionary tales repeatedly airing in segments across different media outlets.

One such warning came from former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

"They are deep inside our infrastructure, our capital markets," he warned.          READ MORE...