Sunday, January 2

Our Global Community

Average Global Individual Income is less than $20,000/year

9.5% of the Global Population live in extreme poverty of $1.90/day

400 Million people in the world lack access to basic healthcare

20% of the Global Population lack access to adequate housing

Less than 20% of the Global Population live in a free country

8.4% of the Global Population live in a full democracy 

56 million global individuals have a net worth of over $1,000,000

How does that make you feel?

In other words does any of this data bother you at all?

Are you just glad that none of this data pertains to you?

I have lived in the USA for 70 years and lived in Cairo, Egypt for 4 years and the quality of life is substantially different in each of those 2 locations...  most of us take for granted life in the USA with our access to damn near anything that we want, when we want it...

Perhaps this is a naive point-of-view, but shouldn't life be about human beings taking care of human beings?

Shouldn't those that have give to those that don't have...  but, that is not to say that those people to whom we are giving simply stop trying because we are giving to them...  that is a mentality that is unacceptable...

Most of the people that HAVE do not want to share what they have with those who HAVE NOT...

Not only do we have these basic problems globally, but we still have wars and conflicts because stronger people want to take away from weaker people which is how the animals in nature live...  or is it?

Do the animals in nature KILL for pleasure and because they are stronger or do they kill to survive?

Some of us believe in God...

Some of us believe that God is an extraterrestrial...

Some of us believe that extraterrestrials visited earth and share their knowledge with us to help us evolve faster...

Some of us believe that extraterrestrials will return one day to see how we have evolved...

Are these extraterrestrials only going to be concerned with those that HAVE or will they look at how we treated each other???

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