Tuesday, January 4

Is Freedom Liberal or Conservative?

 I used to be a Democrat, or more precisely a Liberal Democrat, but according to the beliefs of the Progressive Democrats, I will never be one of them because I just have no desire to live in a Socialistic country even though the US of A currently finances a lot of Socialistic Programs...

I like the benefits from Capitalism too much even though I am not wealthy and will never be wealthy...  the free market enterprise system which is the heart and soul of capitalism is that single most important factor that makes us the most economically powerful country in the world.

Socialism would take that away from us...  

The other part of Capitalism that I like especially what is expressed in our Bill of Rights is the Freedom of Speech.

We have already seen that the Progressive Democrats want to CENSOR the conservative voice so that our Freedom of Speech is only true freedom if we speak and write the liberal points-of-view.  I would not be able live in a society where the freedom of speech is not really freedom of speech at all...

I don't like the liberal views but I will defend their right to the death to protect their liberal views...  when people people have the right to think, speak, and write what they really feel and desire the that society is truly free.

Big Tech Social Media Companies are censoring the conservative voice gradually so that we are not aware of what they are doing...  they only want the liberal voice to be heard...  this, to me, is a violation of the spirit of Capitalism and if it continues it will require government intervention to protect the RIGHTS OF ALL PEOPLE, not just those these Social Media Companies like.

Because of all the bullshit in politics, I have not voted in any kind of election since 1990 and will not because of all the corruption on both sides and now it is widely believe that the voting machines have been tampered with...  so how can anyone really trust the outcomes of our election.

America is divided and that division is serious because it is half and half...  50% of the people are liberal and 50% of the people are conservative, so a few thousand votes can move the win from one side to the other...  the result is that whichever side wins, they will never have but half the country on their side...

How will we ever move forward like that?

One side will write executive orders doing this or that and then when the other side gets in, they will write executive orders undoing what the previous side did...

How stupid is that?

Whether this country moves LEFT or RIGHT, we will still have:

  • Millionaires and Billionaires
  • People who live in poverty
  • Large gaps in wages and salaries
  • Government increasing the debt
  • Tax burden falling on the Middle Class
  • Wealthy Hollywood actors and actresses
  • Wealthy Professional Athletes
  • Increase in prices
  • Watered-down education
  • Incompetent Management
  • Labor versus Management
  • Political corruption
  • Racial Problems
  • Crime and Violence
  • Increase in Illegal Drugs
  • Do as I say not as I do behaviors
  • Big Tech companies controlling society

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