Tuesday, January 11

Facts of Life IRONIES

20% of the population will control the remaining 80% (Millionaires)

10% of the population will be very wealthy (Multi-millionaires & Billionaires)

1% of the population will super wealthy (Multi-billionaires)

There is nothing that you can do nor that government can do to change this FACT...  

and, for the most part, becoming wealthy has very little to do with education although education is believed to be the vehicle that gets you there quicker...   

education is the EXCEPTION not the RULE...

As far as the rest of us is concerned...

we must follow the lead of the wealthy...

the wealthy control the LAWS

the wealthy control the MEDIA

the wealthy control the POLITICS

the wealthy control the COMMERCE

the wealthy control the TECHNOLOGY

the wealthy control the HEALTHCARE

the wealthy control the EDUCATION

the wealthy control the MILITARY

What makes these people wealthy and what makes the wealthy wealthier are your buying habits....  
If you did not buy so many DELL computers, the owner of Dell would not be so wealthy....  
If you did not buy MICROSOFT operating systems, Bill Gates would not be so wealthy.
If you did not spend so much time on FACEBOOK, Zuckerburg would not be so wealthy...
If you did not buy so many ILLEGAL DRUGS then the Mexican Drug Cartels would not be so wealthy...
YOU made the wealthy wealthy and YOU made the wealthier even more wealthier...

Now, here's the ultimate irony...  
this type of shit has been going on long before Jesus Christ lived on this earth...  
and, the 80% are powerless to do anything about...  
and, most of the 80% don't even want to know that it is going on...  
they just want to be able to continue their lives, the best way that they can...   
and, when you try to blame WHITE AMERICANS for this problem because of SLAVERY, then all that tells me is the fact that you got your head way up your ass...

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