Wednesday, January 12

Critique of TV Series

I don't spend a lot of time each day or each week watching TV series but I might go for a week straight and watch 2-3 episodes back-to-back and then there might be several days before I start watching again.  However, I will not watch a TV Series where I have to wait a week for the next episode to be released.  I will wait until the series is over and then I will watch however many episodes I want to watch at one time.  Game of Thrones cured me of waiting a week for the next episode.

While each series is different with the various plots taking place in the past, present, or future, there are still some commonalities that many of them share.

FIRST - most if not all of the main characters smoke cigarettes

SECOND - most if not all of the main characters drink alcohol and visit a local bar, every night it seems after work

THIRD - most if not all of the main characters regardless of their socio-economic level in society drink wine at the dinner meal

FOURTH - there is always one side that is really stupid and lacks common sense while the other side is always incredibly more clever...  this is also true with competing individuals on the "good" side or on the "evil" side

FIFTH - plots, for the most part, are all the same except they explore variation of the same theme, such as:

  • world/global/universe domination
  • control over something for evil purposes
  • negative influences by one or both parents
  • being estranged from siblings
  • remaining employed while always violating the rules
  • alienation by other employees
  • violating protocols to solve the problem

SIXTH - utter destruction of a city due to the violence between two opposing forces...  OR...  a high speed car chase that destroys millions and millions of dollars worth of property

SEVENTH - most if not all of the main and supporting characters have excellent white teeth regardless of the kind of dentisty that was available at the time

EIGHTH - most if not all of the characters never seem to take showers and yet, their hair is always coiffed

NINTH - regardless of how many times a person is shot or wounded or gets into very physical fist fight, they always act like they have no pain afterwards and can undergo another very physical fight the next day

TENTH - Good always triumphs over evil by the end of the story even though the opposite is always true while the story is progressing

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