Thursday, July 22

Thursday Morning in East Tennessee

From the comforts of my air conditioned house, I write articles, mainly my opinions, and post them on this blog as well as Facebook sometimes.  I have a daily readership or at least those that stop by for a quick looksee of about 10-30 hits each day.

The Tennessee Valley is going to be experiencing 90 degree temperatures today and for the most part, I am going to be remaining inside.

I only watch FOX NEWS these days and it appears that the news is the SOS everyday...  SOS is same ole shit...

  • Defunding Police
  • Critical Race Theory
  • Eliminating Whiteness
  • Black Lives Matter
  • WOKE Awareness
  • Illegal Immigration

I watch FOX News for about an hour or two and then I have had enough of all the bullshit that is going on...

I would like to have full employment
I would like to have a growing economy
I would like to have a strong military
I would like for the USA to be the global leader
I would like to end all wars
I would like to end all racism
I value my freedom of speech

As a decade+ long cancer survivor, I value life in all of its aspects...  and, I realize that we will always need management even though most managers are ASSHOLES, arrogant, and egotisticals sons-of-bitches...  I also realize that the wealthy must always be around regardless of our political system or type of government.

It is THE WEALTHY THAT FRIGGING PAY FOR EVERYTHING...  and if we screw with them too much they will just move out of the USA...  they can live anywhere...  they will create a new USA no matter where they decide to live...

Sometimes, the general public is just plain STUPID...

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