Friday, July 9

Some Democrats Lie

Not too long ago, George Floyd was killed by a racist white policeman and the black community went BERZERK to put it mildly...  there were all sorts of riots in the streets and the Black Lives Matter Movement became the topic of discussion in all communities throughout the USA...  

Eventually, the Democrats used the KILLING OF FLOYD to push a movement from the east coast to the west coast regarding DEFUNDING THE POLICE...  most police departments that this was ludicrous to say the least and warned that the people who would suffer the most if this were done were black people.

NEVERTHELESS, several cities did in fact pass resolutions where police departments were defunded...  and, guess what happened???

CRIME WENT UP...    go figure???

NOW, the Democrats want this Infrastructure Package to be passed by Congress but the Republicans are saying NO...  no way Jose...

So, what do the Democrats do next?

They blame the DEFUNDING OF THE POLICE on the Republicans because they do not want to pass this Infrastructure Package...


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