Wednesday, July 14

Milestone: China's Zhurong

This article was originally published at
The Conversation. The publication contributed the article to's Expert Voices: Op-Ed & Insights.

Sara Webb, PhD candidate in Astrophysics, Swinburne University of Technology

Rebecca Allen, Swinburne Space Office Project Coordinator | Manager Swinburne Astronomy Productions, Swinburne University of Technology

China's Zhurong rover landed safely on Mars on May 15, making China only the third country to successfully land a rover on the red planet.

More impressively still, China is the first Mars-going nation to carry out an orbiting, landing and rovering operation as its first mission.

Planetary scientist Roberto Orosei told Nature China is "doing in a single go what NASA took decades to do," while astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell described China's decision to include a rover in its maiden Mars outing as a "very gutsy move."

Where did it land?
Zhurong, named after the god of fire in Chinese mythology, separated from the Tianwen-1 orbiter and touched down close to the site of previous NASA missions, on a vast plain called Utopia Planitia.  TO READ ENTIRE ARTICLE, CLICK HERE...

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