Sunday, July 11

Country Living

There are many more people living in the city and/or cities than there are living in the country...  and, like John Denver said, "thank God I'm a country boy..."  But, living in the country in Virginia or Kentucky of Mississippi, or Arkansas is very much different than living in the country in Tennessee, especially East Tennessee between Bristol (Bristol Motor Speedway) and Knoxville but not all the way southwest to Chattanooga.

From  Great Smoky Mountains Is America's Most Popular National Park. ... More than nine million people visit Great Smoky Mountains National Park each year, making it the most popular national park in the United States. It even beats the Grand Canyon, which comes in second and annually attracts about five million travelers.

And...  from where I live in East Tennessee, the Great Smoky Mountains is only about 40-60 minutes away, depending upon traffic and day-of-the-week.

It beats living in a Vertical Forest like the photo above...

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