Friday, July 16

A Routine of Routines

For the next 3 weeks, I have no doctor's appointments or treatments of anykind except an unexpected trip to the clinic, I suppose should anything out-of-the-ordinary arise with which might cause me some concern.  

My tasks because weekly maintenance of the yard, trash, recycle, and the cleaning of the pool, along with daily activities of hygiene, writing and posting articles and/or poems, blog maintenance, and adding to my in progress novels, of which I currently have 4, but can obviously only focus on one at a time.

There are no out-of-town vacation plans scheduled nor are there any plans to go to restaurants although we will no doubt go out for breakfast or brunch at least once a week.

Outside of watching FOX News in the mornimg, for me, the television screen will remain off and there are no plans or desire to stream anything to my cell phone or laptop or tablet.

Our 3 cats pretty much take care of themselves durimng the day, except when they take a notion that they need attention and/or food and then become a pestering pet until I get up off of my dead ass and do something for them.

My health remains stable and good and I will always spend a couple of hours every other day to prepare some type of meal that will last me 2-3 days with the focus being on squash, zucchini, tomatoes, or cucumbers out of our garden.


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