Monday, July 12

A New Week

Some say that the new week begins on Sunday while some say the new week begins on Monday and I am sure that there are other opinions as to when the old week ends and the new week begins, but for me, I like it beginning on a Monday and ending on a Sunday.

So, here we are on a Monday and the beginning of a new week.

It is supposed to be another hot and humid day in this area so most of my day is going to be spent inside; however, this morning I am on my screened in back porch enjoying the rising sun with 2 of my 3 cats, along with my ever present YETI cup of decaf coffee with Cappuccino Mix...  but only two spoons per coffee pod.

This week is uneventful except for Wednesday and Thursday where I have early morning treatments.  Wednesday is my IVIG to help boost my immune system after13 years of monthly cancer treatments and Thursday is my monthly injection of Opdivo that is designed to suppress my metastatic melanoma.  Additionally, I take 2-140 mg pills of imbruvica daily to suppress my non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma.

For a month of two, I have managed to arrange my doctor's appointments so that I have a complete 2 weeks where I don't have to go anywhere...  

SIX years ago, my wife and I could not wait to go on some type of vacation at least every other month...  and we did for about 3-4 years, then we got tired of it...  right about the time that COVID-19 hit the US and for over a year, we went NOWHERE...  and we became nowhere people sitting in our nowhere land making plans for nobody.

Damned if we didn't like staying at home...  and, our cats like us staying at home as well...  now we don't want to go NOWHERE or is it anywhere?

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