Friday, December 27





Opted Out


Take Off




I enrolled into college in 1966 and at the time, one would have probably pegged me as a LIBERAL.  It was all about saving the world, no wars, peace and love and the government should take care of us all.

However, and I cannot explain why, I wanted to hear ALL OPPOSING VIEWS and every time there was a conservative speaker on campus, I would attend the lecture.

Those speakers never changed my mind, but I still wanted to hear them.

Today, most all college and university campuses are liberal minded except for the Business Schools or Departments.  Most of the time, these school prevent conservative views from taking place on campus, so the students are hardly ever exposed to the other side.

To me, that is a form of censorship that is now extended itself out into the news media platforms.

It is not that they are censoring the conservative news, it is just that they are not broadcasting it - to some, this might be a form of censorship.

We should publish or broadcast both sides of everything and then let the viewer or consumer of the news decide for themselves what they want to believe and what they chose not to believe.

Somewhat Political


Shrinking Quantum Computer Components

Researchers have developed a revolutionary method to produce entangled photon pairs using much thinner materials, drastically reducing the size of quantum computing components.

This breakthrough enables simpler, more compact setups for quantum technologies, potentially transforming fields from climate science to pharmaceuticals.

Breakthrough in Quantum Computing
Researchers have made a discovery that could make quantum computing more compact, potentially shrinking essential components 1,000 times while also requiring less equipment.

A class of quantum computers being developed now relies on light particles, or photons, created in pairs linked or “entangled” in quantum physics parlance. One way to produce these photons is to shine a laser on millimeter-thick crystals and use optical equipment to ensure the photons become linked. A drawback to this approach is that it is too big to integrate into a computer chip.     READ MORE...

The Night They Drove Old Dixie Down - The Band - The Last Waltz

Thursday, December 26

The Next Generation


During my time off, I have been spending time on the social media platform, BLUESKY...  It is mainly populated by Liberals who are kids in their 20's and 30's who have no better integrity than to insult and use profanity towards anyone who does not agree with them.

They are convinced that Trump and Musk are fascists and are going to turn the USA into something resembling Hitler's Germany with the ultimate goal of destroying Democracy and turning the country into a dictatorship, controlled by Trump.

But aside from that fantasy, I talked with an older gentleman today who had convinced himself that all western governments were profit making businesses with stockholders and that all the companies worked for the government.

There were Democratic Socialists who did not want to destroy capitalism or the companies participating in capitalism, they just wanted to control businesses through regulations that prevented them from doing things that the government did not want to them do, like relocating overseas, sending work to foreign countries for cheaper wage rates, or paying their employees less that the government wanted them to pay.

Unfortunately, they did not think this would be ownership of capitalism, even though they government would not let anyone file for bankruptcy, report to a board of directors, or pay their shareholders a dividend unless it was approved by the government.

This is the generation that will soon be in control of the USA...


Monday, December 23



Being Afraid

Space, the Final Frontier





Word Meanings


In some places of the country, areas have already been impacted with snow and while they might be good for some, it cannot be good for everyone.

"What is one man's ceiling is another man's floor...."  Paul Simon

What does that mean exactly?

It could be speaking about abilities and achievements with the ceiling indicating a high achievement and the floor indicating a low achievement.

It could also mean that what some people consider to be trash, others consider to be treasure.

It could also mean importance versus not that important.

What words and phrases mean to one person, to another person, those same words and phrases could have an entirely different meaning.

Do we take into consideration how other might interpret our words when we talk or do we just start blurting out what we think or feel?

Something to think about perhaps...

Somewhat Political